The next most important tips in networking is referrals, both giving and receiving them. One important rule of thumb, you must give to get. If your not giving most folks will see right through you.
I have a simple form I use in emails for making introductions. I can let folks I meet introduce themselves own words. They also have my introduction handy. That way it’s not up to memory.
I am trying to build my list of folks I can help and refer. Below are my answers. reply with your answers to the questions in red. I keep these on file for referrals.
What is a “Typical Situation” people are in when they realize they need your help?
When a person is growing out of the solopreneur stage of business and are too busy working in their business and not on their business.
What is something someone might say that would lead me to think of you?
They are going under in the waves and the details of their business. They better send out an SOS before they drown. We at Your Office SOS bring a 100 years’ experience to the rescue.
What (Specifically) do you do (3 lines Max)?
Business Development (Rainmaker) – i.e. sales, marketing, social media marketing, and branding.
Administrative Services – i.e. handling email, scheduling, calendar maintenance, etc. We make you look good!
Together we make you profitable and productive. Schedule a free consultation.
How do you do it (3 Lines Max)?
We are virtual so we can handle your office needs remotely from our office at a fraction of the cost of a physical office or co-working space.
How can I introduce you?
We at Your Office SOS let you do what you do best and we handle the rest.
Avoid burnout -you can’t get back your health or your time!
We turn your life from crappy to happy!