No pain, no gain.
Given the current climate in this culture of seeming wanting to insulate every precious little darling from anything that might upset them or cause the little snowflakes any discomfort, it is no wonder we have a generation of entitlement. Don’t even get me started on set-asides, reparations, and loan forgiveness.
This Gen Z generation (not all) mostly reminds me of the spoiled kid on the old Twilight Zone Show, “it’s a Good Life”: His name is Anthony Fremont. He’s six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you’d better start thinking happy thoughts because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge.
Life is eventually going to bite these immature little brats in the ass. Hard and tough times are a reality. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. The struggle is the thing that makes us strong. You need to go to the gym and work out. You need to learn to roll with the punches, not sit on your device and bitch about not getting your way or being offended by the latest micro-aggression.
I would say they need to “grow up,” but the so-called adults in their life are treating them like Peter Pan.