People are people

You know, there are a lot of similarities in the folks who populate this planet. In pragmatic terms, there may even be more traits that are alike than there are traits of fundamental differences.

We all can put personalities in boxes, and many sociologists, psychologists, behaviorists, and so on make a living defining those boxes. They may have a tool to detect the type of person you are dealing with, but even then, it is pretty much guesswork.

I think human traits possess more of a common denominator across all epochs, nationalities, and families. So I may see a birth-order trait and regional piques, but maybe I see them because I’m looking for them and imposing my preconceptions on the individual.

Sure there are assertive, aggressive, passive, etc. But these traits are learned and cultivated and can fluctuate back and forth with age, mood, and surroundings.

I am certainly not naive or simplistic enough not to recognize temperament types and other quirks and bents of mankind in a fallen world.

In summary, I see a multifaceted individual when I interact with people, and I try not to “pigeonhole” folks.